Application Process

1.) Complete the online application

2.) Upload all required material in the upload section of this application

3.) Pay the application fee (directions in the confirmation email) In this application you will be asked to upload all academic transcripts, your CV, all degree and certificates/diplomas, a profile picture, and two letters of recommendation so please have them ready.

Please choose which program you are applying to:

Name *

Please include international country code, i.e. USA (+1 555 555 5555)

Personal Information

Place of Birth*

Please list all countries of citizenship

Emergency Contact Details

Address (for correspondence)*

Permanent Address (if different from above)


Please indicate the schools you have attended since the age of 14 (for undergraduate applicants) 18 (for MBA applicants)*

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Please upload all academic transcript here. ()

Max. file size: 29 MB.

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Have you ever been dismissed from, subject to any disciplinary action at, any school or college?*

If you answered yes, please give a detailed explanation


Indicate your level of oral and written language proficiency marking the appropriate figure according to the instructions given: 1.) Complete Beginner with no previous experience 3.) Some knowledge but insufficient for communication 5.) Ability to communicate well but with frequent errors 7.) Good communication with occasional errors 9.) Mastery of everyday and specialist language 10.) Mother tongue

Other Languages

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Max. file size: 29 MB.


Max. file size: 29 MB.

Max. file size: 29 MB.

Max. file size: 29 MB.

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Max. file size: 29 MB.

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Please include any additional uploads here.

Max. file size: 29 MB.

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Recruiters/Agencies/Third Party Collaborators

This space is dedicated to our recruiters. Kindly insert your company name, address, phone and email. Thank you.

Additional information or questions

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Please use this field if you have any additional queries or information to provide.


I am applying for admission to the above academic program at the Swiss School of Management. I attest that all information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the decision to offer me a place in the program rests with the Swiss School of Management whose decision is irrevocable. If I am offered and accept a place in the program, I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations of the Swiss School of Management and to ensure payment of all fees. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this application form and in the attachments is complete and accurate. I do also agree, that once I do obtain my entry visa, my tuition fee is due to SSM and no payback will be made if I withdraw from the course, program or school.

Privacy and Data Collection

The collection and processing of the following personal data takes place for the purpose of processing your application, for registration, as well as for your support before, during and after your program. Photos of students in class or in events may be used for promotional purposes. Any material where students can be explicitly identified will not be used without consent of the identifiable. User rights: The undersigned has the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future without stating a reason. Furthermore, the data collected can be corrected, erased or its collection restricted as required. On request, detailed information on the scope of the data collection carried out can be demanded from the address below. A data transfer can also be demanded if the signatory wishes to transfer his or her data to a third party. In the event of data protection breaches, a complaint may also be lodged with the supervisory authority. Voluntariness/consequences of non-signing: Consent to data processing is voluntary. The undersigned has the right not to agree to this declaration of consent. As the collection and processing of data is necessary for the aforementioned purpose, the corresponding services subsequently cannot be used in this case. For full information please see visit the links below: